One of the most common questions I’m asked about Peterborough’s history is whether there are any tunnels under the city. Local legends say that there is a tunnel stretching from the Cathedral to Monk’s Cave at Longthorpe. Similar tunnels are alleged to stretch from the Cathedral to the abbeys at Thorney or Crowland.


These are familiar myths in many historic cities across the UK, mostly urban legends based on half remembrances of sewers, cellars or crawlspaces, coupled with wishful thinking and rumour.


The stories of tunnels from Peterborough to

Thorney or Crowland are wildly improbable as the latter places were too far away.


They were also Fenland islands, so any medieval tunnel would have been underwater!


The persistent story of a tunnel from the Cathedral to Monk’s Cave can also be ruled out, not only because of distance and geology, but because the cave is a later creation. Rather than being medieval it is an 18 th century folly, an artificial cave excavated as a garden feature for the amusement of the gentry from Thorpe Hall to explore.


There is a tunnel of sorts under the Cathedral, perhaps the origin of some of these stories.


It stretches about 50 metres, from the south aisle to the south transept, and was excavated in the 1880s.


At that time, the main tower of the Cathedral was in danger of collapse, so was disassembled, underpinned and then painstakingly reconstructed. During these works the Victorian engineers uncovered foundations of the 10th century Saxon church underneath and left a tunnel for the curious to be able to view these remains. Sadly, for both safety reasons and the conservation of the remains, this tunnel is not open to visitors.


Archaeologists now think that the remains in this tunnel may be more significant than previously thought, identifying some of the stonework as being distinctively Roman. A carving in the south transept traditionally thought to be Anglo-Saxon and nicknamed the ‘Dancing Bishops’, is now identified as being Roman, possibly representing the Fates. An archaeological dig that took place in the Precincts last summer uncovered large amounts of Roman pottery. As such we can be confident there was a Roman building, possibly a temple, where the Cathedral is today, making the site much older than previously thought.


For more details on both events visit www.peterborough-

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where are the tunnels?

claire mandville profile pic

Are you curious about the tunnels in Chichester? If you are, you are not alone. Many people have wondered about the existence and purpose of these underground passages that are said to run under the city. Some claim they have seen them, others have heard stories about them, but what is the truth behind the mystery?

In this blog post, I will try to shed some light on the tunnels in Chichester, based on some web searches and historical sources. I will also share some of the rumours and legends that surround them, and invite you to share your own experiences or opinions in the comments section.

What are the tunnels in Chichester?

The tunnels in Chichester are a network of underground passages that are believed to date back to Roman times or earlier. They are said to follow the old foundations of the Roman wall on the east side of the city centre, and to connect various buildings and landmarks, such as the cathedral, the market cross, and the crypt.

The tunnels have been rumoured to serve different purposes over time, such as smuggling routes, secret passages for clergy, hiding places during the Reformation, or escape routes during wars or invasions. Some people also think that poet John Keats used the tunnels for inspiration when he wrote The Eve of St Agnes in Chichester in 1819.

However, there is little concrete evidence to support these claims, and most of them are based on hearsay or speculation. The tunnels have been blocked off or filled in over time, making them inaccessible or invisible to most people. Only a few traces of them remain, such as a blocked-off passage in the cellar of Hansfords Menswear shop, or a dark tunnel under the crypt where a schoolgirl claimed to have visited in the 1940s.

What do experts say about the tunnels?

The existence and origin of the tunnels in Chichester have been a subject of interest for archaeologists and historians for many years. However, they have not been able to confirm or deny their presence or function with certainty.

One of them is Claire Mandville, She has been researching the tunnels in Chichester for a while, and has interviewed several people who claim to have seen or heard about them.

She said: "There's definitely something there but it's hard to say what it is. It could be anything from drainage systems to cellars to actual tunnels. It's possible that some of them were used for smuggling or other purposes but it's hard to prove. I think they are fascinating and I would love to explore them if I could."

Also plans to expand his research and investigations on the tunnels, and to involve more of the local community in his project. She said: "I think it's important to document them before they are lost or forgotten. It's a great way to engage people with their local heritage and culture."

What do you think about the tunnels?

The tunnels in Chichester remain a mystery that intrigues many people. Whether they are real or not, they have inspired stories and legends that add to the charm and character of the city. What do you think about them? Have you ever seen them or heard about them? Do you have any theories or questions about them? Let me know in the comments below!

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