
barracks 10_03490_ful-geotechnical_site_investigation_part_1-1329021
barracks water tank 97_02086_gvt-idox_auto_load-235310
bus station window closure 94_00562_ful-idox_auto_load-219578
buttery 15_02510_lbc-floor_plan_and_internal_elevations_as_existing_and_proposed__a1_-2028863
dolphin 16_01813_lbc-basement_plans__proposed_wetherspoons
graylingwell aerial designers dream
graylingwell detailed plan, conduits and well
graylingwell plan with well and springs ponds
lower graylingwell, chichester oxfordar1-367893_1
punch house floor_plan
shippams 03_01775_cac-proposed_demolition_site_plan-307608
shipppams 03_01775_cac-existing_basement_floor_plan-307602
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27 East street

My mum worked 27 east street and when it flooded in the 90s they found a big cellar and you could look down into an area which was like a tunnel

Old Barracks / Wellington Grange

Old Barracks / Wellington Grange

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Why build a cellar

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First, there are no maps in the presentation to hidden tunnels , all information is in the public domain and if we get distracted during our searches that is only natural. 
I will try and make this as interesting as possible and we will not be getting our boots dirty.

Why have a cellar?
Having a cellar was actually quite an expensive and a time consuming affair. Most people didn't. There was no point unless there was something to store or servants to hide. 

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whyke lodge




It was under the Crypt and right next to the cathedral

inside buttery

Maureen Williams, 82, of Westgate, recalled a school trip into the rumoured tunnels under Chichester when she was at Chichester High School for Girls.


She estimates she was in her early teens at the time and said she chose to share her memories after reading about the search for evidence in this newspaper.

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tunnels underneath Hansford Menswear

A number of those readers remembered a story about tunnels underneath Hansford Menswear, also in South Street, so we spoke the shop's owner to find out more Matthew Hansford described a blocked-off passage in cellar of the shop, which he believes may have led to the cathedral


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Borehole drilling

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Borehole drilling is a technique that allows you to access underground water sources by creating a deep and narrow hole in the ground. In this blog post, we will explain what borehole drilling is, how it works, and what are its benefits and challenges.

What is borehole drilling?

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Russilon Barracks

The Chichester SMR holds information for 48 sites, whilst the National Monuments Record
Centre holds details of a further 16 sites within the study area. An additional four sites were
located through analysis of historic mapping and during the course of the walkover survey and
one from aerial photographs. Full site descriptions and locations can be seen in Appendix B.
Within the report, the bracketed numbers after site descriptions relate to those allocated to
individual sites in Appendix B and on Figure 2.

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The Buttery

There is rumoured to be a tunnel from the white horse to the buttery and then from the buttery to the cathedral.

Regarding a tunnel from the crypt to the cathedral. Apparently Keats while upstairs being "entertained" watched the monks lock the gate to the cathedral. Now did he have xray specs on ??? That''s the pic of the guy gesturing towards the shelves is where the door way used to be

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