First, there are no maps in the presentation to hidden tunnels , all information is in the public domain and if we get distracted during our searches that is only natural. 
I will try and make this as interesting as possible and we will not be getting our boots dirty.

Why have a cellar?
Having a cellar was actually quite an expensive and a time consuming affair. Most people didn't. There was no point unless there was something to store or servants to hide. 

Build a cellar. 
May houses were built on shallow foundations, these can be researched online, with the different types of pillars and rafts. 
The thing that took the longest was the limewash and allowing that to set. 

Searching the database. 
 go to then select planning applications
View planning applications
That should give you a page similar to the one on screen. 

There are numerous search options from simple, advanced to a method only those from Aplha Centauri might understand.

For example to search a rough area we would select the map view and zoom in. 
Its fine to look for recent applications but if you wanted to search all applications on the system going back 5 years, it gets very complicated (messy) and hard to select the actual application you want.
Clicking a property brings up a little box you can scroll through to find anything of interest BUT lets go back to simple search and select a property.

we know the address of 5 tower street, the system will however show any matching tower street, Selsey, Midhurst or Aplha Centauri 
This is entered in the multi search box at the bottom of the page.

Chase cottage, this is the property we are going to be looking at. Note we do not have, nor need the owners permission to look at these documents. They are in the public realm, else we might never be able to know if they wanted to knock down the Church of the Holy Trinity, and build the new bus station there or what it would even look like. 

List of planning applications with  summary:
The simple search brings up a clearer list with a brief summary of the application that is easier to read, remember it brings up all matching properties from all over west sussex

Summary view of one application,
selecting one shows us more details, in this case. use of ancillary building for B1 use. 
[(c)for any industrial process, being a use which can be carried out in any residential area without detriment to the amenity of that area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit.]

We can do a sneaky trick to save searching through the many pages of entries, if we select [related] and then select properties, we can highlight the actual property what ever its name or number and only that one. 

There we will see that this property has 14 planning history items, 12 planning applications. The other 2 may be tree works or something outside the realms of normal planning - like displaying flags.

Selecting one that looks interesting, single story extension, refurbishment and extension of cellars. As obviously all tunnels are underground at cellar level aren't they !! except for the buttery where the cellar is above ground...

if we select the documents page we will see there are 25 documents. most we can ignore, like letters from the parish council, there are a lot of "substitute plans" meaning they went back to the drawing board. Let us look for the ones that are the basement or likely to include the basement. that's plans elevations, applications etc. 


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where are the tunnels?

claire mandville profile pic

Are you curious about the tunnels in Chichester? If you are, you are not alone. Many people have wondered about the existence and purpose of these underground passages that are said to run under the city. Some claim they have seen them, others have heard stories about them, but what is the truth behind the mystery?

In this blog post, I will try to shed some light on the tunnels in Chichester, based on some web searches and historical sources. I will also share some of the rumours and legends that surround them, and invite you to share your own experiences or opinions in the comments section.

What are the tunnels in Chichester?

The tunnels in Chichester are a network of underground passages that are believed to date back to Roman times or earlier. They are said to follow the old foundations of the Roman wall on the east side of the city centre, and to connect various buildings and landmarks, such as the cathedral, the market cross, and the crypt.

The tunnels have been rumoured to serve different purposes over time, such as smuggling routes, secret passages for clergy, hiding places during the Reformation, or escape routes during wars or invasions. Some people also think that poet John Keats used the tunnels for inspiration when he wrote The Eve of St Agnes in Chichester in 1819.

However, there is little concrete evidence to support these claims, and most of them are based on hearsay or speculation. The tunnels have been blocked off or filled in over time, making them inaccessible or invisible to most people. Only a few traces of them remain, such as a blocked-off passage in the cellar of Hansfords Menswear shop, or a dark tunnel under the crypt where a schoolgirl claimed to have visited in the 1940s.

What do experts say about the tunnels?

The existence and origin of the tunnels in Chichester have been a subject of interest for archaeologists and historians for many years. However, they have not been able to confirm or deny their presence or function with certainty.

One of them is Claire Mandville, She has been researching the tunnels in Chichester for a while, and has interviewed several people who claim to have seen or heard about them.

She said: "There's definitely something there but it's hard to say what it is. It could be anything from drainage systems to cellars to actual tunnels. It's possible that some of them were used for smuggling or other purposes but it's hard to prove. I think they are fascinating and I would love to explore them if I could."

Also plans to expand his research and investigations on the tunnels, and to involve more of the local community in his project. She said: "I think it's important to document them before they are lost or forgotten. It's a great way to engage people with their local heritage and culture."

What do you think about the tunnels?

The tunnels in Chichester remain a mystery that intrigues many people. Whether they are real or not, they have inspired stories and legends that add to the charm and character of the city. What do you think about them? Have you ever seen them or heard about them? Do you have any theories or questions about them? Let me know in the comments below!

st johns church

About 50 years ago in the vestry of St. John’s Church In Chichester a flag stone was taken up by some teenagers and a tunnel was revealed. Apparently it runs along under St Johns Street in a south / north direction


Read more: st johns church

summersdale golf course and mr Stride

Between The Drive’s western and southern ends, Charles Stride built a private estate in c.1905 which included a nine hole golf course designed by James Braid, a lodge (Uplands), and a mansion (Woodland Place) with tree-lined grounds which, as Rew Lane, was developed in the late 1950s. The golf course was too close to the Goodwood course to be a commercial success and it was given up for gravel extraction immediately prior to the first World War, with a mineral branch line connected later to the Chichester-Midhurst railway.
His golf course and pavilion is mentioned in

The club was founded in 1904.

Read more: summersdale golf course and mr Stride

Underneath Hansford Menswear

hansford menswear shop front

A number of those readers remembered a story about tunnels underneath Hansford Menswear, also in South Street, so we spoke the shop''s owner to find out more.
Matthew Hansford described a blocked-off passage in cellar of the shop, which he believes may have led to the cathedral

Read more: Underneath Hansford Menswear

Brandy Hole caving session

From trying to locate the areas marked on the old maps as smugglers or roman caves at the approc following locations. Our team tried to take photos as best we could.


su 85228 06608 50.8527, -0.7906
su 85255 06596 50.8526, -0.7902
su 85249 06577 50.8524, -0.7903
su 85248 06565 50.8523, -0.7903
su 85329 06661 50.8532, -0.7892
su 85359 06657 50.8531, -0.7887



It was under the Crypt and right next to the cathedral

inside buttery

Maureen Williams, 82, of Westgate, recalled a school trip into the rumoured tunnels under Chichester when she was at Chichester High School for Girls.


She estimates she was in her early teens at the time and said she chose to share her memories after reading about the search for evidence in this newspaper.

Read more: It was under the Crypt and right next to the cathedral

The Punch house

punch house pub

ON THE south side of East Street, close to the Market Cross, lies number 92 which up until fairly recently was The Royal Arms public house (also known as Ye Olde Punch House).

Although the façade dates to the Georgian era, the building is of a timber-framed construction said to date from the 16th century.

 Much of the original building survives including highly decorated plaster ceilings displaying the Tudor Rose and fleur-de-lis.

 It was once a private town house belonging to the Lumley family of Stansted.

Read more: The Punch house

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