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Borehole drilling

borehole image

Borehole drilling is a technique that allows you to access underground water sources by creating a deep and narrow hole in the ground. In this blog post, we will explain what borehole drilling is, how it works, and what are its benefits and challenges.

What is borehole drilling?

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Featured in Chichester Observer

Maureen Williams, 82, of Westgate, recalled a school trip into the rumoured tunnels under Chichester when she was at Chichester High School for Girls.


She estimates she was in her early teens at the time and said she chose to share her memories after reading about the search for evidence in this newspaper.', '

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whyke lodge




Old Barracks / Wellington Grange

Old Barracks / Wellington Grange

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Underneath Hansford Menswear

hansford menswear shop front

A number of those readers remembered a story about tunnels underneath Hansford Menswear, also in South Street, so we spoke the shop''s owner to find out more.
Matthew Hansford described a blocked-off passage in cellar of the shop, which he believes may have led to the cathedral

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Graylingwell plan with well and springs ponds

Graylingwell plan with well and springs ponds.

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Why build a cellar

cellar image

First, there are no maps in the presentation to hidden tunnels , all information is in the public domain and if we get distracted during our searches that is only natural. 
I will try and make this as interesting as possible and we will not be getting our boots dirty.

Why have a cellar?
Having a cellar was actually quite an expensive and a time consuming affair. Most people didn't. There was no point unless there was something to store or servants to hide. 

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An Archaeological Evaluation at Roussillon Barracks

An Archaeological Evaluation atRoussillon Barracks Chichester, West Sussex


Planning Reference No: CC/10/03490/FUL Phases 1a & 1b Project No: 4861 Site Code: RBC 11ASE Report No: 2011128 OASIS id: archaeol6-102472 By Diccon HartWith contributions by Sarah Porteus Illustrations by Fiona GriffinJune 2011



65 East Street

I worked at 65 East Street when it was ''Hammick''s Bookshop'' (now Specsavers). We had a trapdoor in the middle of the floor that led down to a tunnel-shaped cellar that seemed to extend through the front of the shop and under the pavement outside. I didn''t see any evidence of it ever having joined another tunnel and imagine that perhaps there was once an opening in the pavement for deliveries.



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